
Name : Cole Woods
Age :
Occupation : Lead Detective
Height : 5″11
Weight : 180lbs
Status : Alive


Name : Elena Morgan
Age :
Occupation : Police Officer
Height : 5″8
Weight : 136lbs
Status : Alive


Name : Frank Morgan
Age : 44

Occupation : Police Commissioner
Height : 5″10
Weight : 175lbs
Status : Missing

The police commissioner has gone missing. It’s up to you to find out what happened to him.

Name : Blake Nixon
Age : 43

Occupation : Commander
Height : 5″10
Weight : 195lbs
Status : Alive


Name : Elizabeth Anderson
Age : 25

Occupation : Lieutenant
Height : 5″9
Weight : 141lbs
Status : Alive


Name : Triston Adams
Age :
Occupation : Sergeant
Height : 5″11
Weight : 187lbs
Status : Alive


Name : Katherine Michaels
Age :
Occupation : Sergeant
Height : 5″9
Weight : 132lbs
Status : Alive
